ANNOUNCEMENT: (10/02/25): Morning class is open as usual on Thaipusam (no evening class)

Mysore Style Ashtanga Yoga

Serenity in the city at dawn every day.

Early Morning Mysore

The early morning Mysore style self-practice sessions are taught by Iwan.
Monday to Friday (including public holidays)
6 -11am (doors open at 5:55am)
Latest arrival: 10am

Mid-Morning Mysore

The mid-morning Mysore style self-practice sessions are taught by Iwan.
Monday to Friday (including public holidays)
9 -11am
Latest arrival: 10am

Evening Mysore

The evening Mysore style self-practice sessions are taught by Iwan.
Monday to Wednesday (closed on public holidays)
4.30pm – 8:30pm (doors open at 4:25pm)
Latest arrival: 7pm

Weekend Mysore

The weekend Mysore style self-practice sessions are taught by Iwan.
Saturday & Sunday (including public holidays)
8am to 12pm (doors open at 7:45am)
Latest arrival: 11am
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